Thursday, July 30, 2009

First Post

I love to cook. My first thought when I saw the T.V. ad for the movie Julia/Julie was - why didn't I think of this??? I love to try new recipes . . . now I'm thinking does this blog have spell check?

I'm looking for cohorts because this week, my husband was in Hong Kong and I texted him about my desire to cook my way thru Julia Child's cookbook, of course the 40th anniversary addition. His response was, let's do it together, we do everything together. He's such a romantic. So, I purchased the book, but within the first few pages of Julia's cookbook I learn that her recipes are for a party of 6! Clearly, I will need guests and wouldn't it be nice to have guests with the same goal or interest.

Tonight at a weekly dinner at a local restaurant with our wine club, I'm encouraging other members to start a dinner club. Small response, but one couple was very positive. Now, just to find four more people. After discussion, we decided that a monthly club would be best, with the host house selecting the entree, the guests (consisting of 3 other couples) would bring a salad, side dish and dessert. But, the wife of the only couple that expresses an interest wants to cook her way thru some book that Rachael Ray has published with 365 recipes. Now, I watch Rachael about every day, but this is not in my plan. What to do, what to do . . . I started the blog. Such decisions are left to a clearer head. It is after all wine club night.


  1. good luck! I admit I contemplated the same my way through Julia :) But I find myself cooking my way through Rachael Ray. I own most of her cookbooks. :) I think Julia would be good for the basics but Rachael has more of a modern get it done pace.

  2. Julia will certainly be a weekend joy. I simply do not have the time to cook her recipes during the week.
